
Now that warm weather is in full swing, porches are that second living room we've been dreaming about since December (or even earlier, honestly).

Let’s capture these moments.

Porch Portraits are a wonderful way for you, your family, or your housemates to capture the summer front porch livin’. A time and place unique to you that can be shared with others.

Here’s what to expect for porch portrait packages:

  • 60 minutes is $100

  • 30 minutes is $60

Each session includes full access to digitized photos through Google Drive, and time dedicated to editing photos that capture the life of your home and porch during the photo shoot. If within the Midland City limits, there is no fee for mileage. If interested in a photo shoot from outside of the city, let’s talk more and work it out for both of us!

About my photos

I also offer sessions for events, portraits, vittles, and merchandise - you name it! Rates will depend on type, travel, and time needed for sessions. If you’d like to schedule a booking, or even purchase the right to prints, send me a message through my contact page or directly at I’d love to work with you!

Photography started as a hobby of mine when I was young. I played with film cameras that captured wildlife, landscapes, and foliage around my house in the woods. Photos are something I cherish to this day. It’s the best way to time travel. With one photo, I can see my grandparents as ragamuffin children playing on their farm, along with great-great-great grandparents sitting for hours on end for a shoot.

Today, I bring my camera with me wherever and whenever possible! My hobby has grown since meeting people, traveling, and moving between states in the Midwest. As a creator in the fine arts, I understand the detail, and effort that goes into making a product. I use natural lighting on sight, capturing the moment with a real life lens and feel. Please check out my galleries below for shots that I have taken through the past decade.

You can also check out my prints at Society 6 and Redbubble for your convenience.



Daily findings, events, Midland Porch Portraits #midlandporchportraits, and other adventures!

Be sure to follow @anniechapmanbrewer on Instagram for updates!

