Hi there! I offer sectionals/clinics and masterclasses for public schools, universities, mentorship programs, and conferences, both in-person and online options. Here are a few areas that I currently offer:
Horn: orchestral and band sections, history, performance practice, performance anxiety
Natural Horn: Historiography of the instrument, and how this knowledge plays into our daily lives
Brass Sections: how to listen, tune, and balance; practice strategies; score study; historiography of instruments
Chamber Ensembles: blending styles, communication, duties, outreach
Mellophone: technique, movement, sound production
Arts Entrepreneurship and what it looks like for you! How to start a studio, managing freelance opportunities, etc.
Agriculture and the Arts: a harmonious collaboration
My most recent masterclass through the International Women in Brass Conference’s 2024 Mentorship Program titled “Looking into Music Entrepreneurship: Building a Private Music Studio”
Places I have been invited to lecture/perform:
ALL masterclasses are geared towards the needs of the studio, or the ensemble section. Masterclass sessions may be held in person if within driving distance, or online via Zoom. I’ve created PDFS and lecture presentations for tone development, historical horns, warm-up routines, and more. If you or your program would be interested in scheduling a masterclass for your student(s), please feel free to reach out through my contact page. I’d be happy to offer insight to your students and program! If you’d like your students to become invigorated and ready for their pathways, contact me at or through the button below. I look forward to working with you!